3 Reasons Why Managing Your Chronic Stress Naturally Is Imperative

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3 Reasons Why Managing Your Chronic Stress Naturally Is Imperative

3 Reasons Why Managing Your Chronic Stress Naturally Is Imperative



"Chronic Stress Is Like A Cancer That Slowly Erodes Your Health And Well-Being. Managing It Naturally Is Imperative For Your Long-Term Health And Happiness."




for my FREE SOS 10 Day Video Series

Wow!  Right?!🫣


I don’t know about you but this quote really struck a chord with me.


If you suffer from chronic stress, know that you're not alone. 


I too used to suffer from chronic stress, anxiety, fear and worry.


I still, at times, have to manage these stories and anxieties in my mind but overall I’ve learned how to manage my chronic stress and anxiety naturally and through committed daily practices.


I want that for you too!🤗


In fact, chronic stress is one of the most common health problems in the United States.  And while there are many treatments available, managing your chronic stress naturally is imperative for your overall health and well-being.


for my FREE SOS 10 Day Video Series

Here Are Three Reasons Why:


  1.  Chronic Stress Can Lead To Serious Health Problems


Left untreated, many studies have shown that chronic stress can lead to a number of serious health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. 


To top it off, they say that chronic stress can also weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and illness.  




  1.  Natural Stress Management Techniques Are Often More Effective Than Medications


While some medications can be helpful in managing chronic stress, they often come with side effects that can be just as troublesome as the stress itself. 


Now, please know that I do not judge if you and your doctor have decided that certain medications are necessary for you to take to manage your chronic stress.


Please know that there are alternative options out there that can compliment your medication also.


It’s never all or nothing.🤷‍♀️


In general, natural stress management techniques, on the other hand, compliment your routine and are often more effective plus have fewer side effects.


Something for you and your doctor to discuss, of course.


  1.  Managing Your Stress Naturally Can Help You Prevent Future Stress


Chronic stress can take a toll on your body and mind, but it can also lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating, drinking, smoking, or using drugs. Overspending or gambling compulsively are other unhealthy coping mechanisms. 


Other signs of stress that are often overlooked could be fear of setting boundaries for yourself and with others.☝️


Some more stressors that aren’t talked about often enough are reflecting on the entertainment you consume.  Are you reading, watching or listening to negative and/or violent tv shows, movies, books, or podcasts that can have you spiral down a stressful rabbit hole of worry, stress, fear and anxiety?


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By managing your stress naturally, you can possibly avoid these unhealthy coping mechanisms and prevent future stress.


Which is a win-win situation, if you ask me.🙌


If You Suffer From Chronic Stress, Managing It Naturally Is Essential For Your Overall Health And Well-Being. 


Here’s a few natural stress management techniques that you can try adding to your daily routine:


  • Exercise


👉Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall health.  


Think gentle yoga or walking as a couple examples but anything you enjoy and can be consistent with works.


Just minutes of moderate exercise a day can help to reduce stress hormones, improve circulation, and promote relaxation.


  • Meditation 


👉Meditation is a simple yet effective way to calm your mind and body. 


Focusing on your breath is a great meditation method that you can do almost anywhere.


Just a few minutes of meditation each day, some experts have said, can help to ease anxiety, improve sleep, and boost your mood.


  • Relaxation Techniques 


👉Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation, can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.


  • Mindfulness 


👉Mindfulness is a form of meditation that helps you to focus on being present and mindful and helps you move away from stressful thoughts and feelings. 


Studies have proven that practicing mindfulness on a regular basis, can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and increase your overall well-being.


All of these practices can be done very affordably, almost anywhere and anytime.  


They also compliment any work you may be doing with your doctor.


Which is a beautiful thing!


Also, drum roll PLEASE ……


I’m excited to announce that I will be hosting a FREE Healthy and Holistic Living 5 Day Jumpstart very soon!🤩


Stay tuned for more details soon and to make sure you are on the email list to be the first to know and get the details.

📲Click here to sign up! 

This video and document are for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, financial, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner of any kind. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. This information is not to be substituted for the advice of licensed professionals of any kind. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please go to https://www.celestialyoga.org/terms-and-use We collect, use and process your data according to our Privacy Policy: https://www.celestialyoga.org/terms-and-use-and-privacy-policy