My Top 15 Tips to Declutter Your Mind and Free Up Some Mental Space So You Can Live Your Best Life Now: Practical Self-Care Techniques (Week 3 of My Blog Series)

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My Top 15 Tips to Declutter Your Mind and Free Up Some Mental Space   So You Can Live Your Best Life Now   Practical Self-Care Techniques  (Week 3 of My Blog Series)

Practical Self-Care Techniques

(Week 3 of My Blog Series)


Are you an anxious woman who's wondering how you can free up some mental space so that you can  learn to appreciate the little things, live more in the moment and make your life joyful (again).


Over the next 3 weeks I’m going over

My Top Tips to Declutter Your Mind and Free Up Some Mental Space So You Can Live Your Best Life Now


In case you're new to me or are just wondering who the heck I am, let me (re)introduce myself and where I'm coming from.


I'm Jen James of Celestial Yoga, LLC, and a certified yoga and meditation teacher for over 18 years now and am a health and wellness coach too. 


My specialty is to help empathetic women manage chronic pain and stress through a holistic approach with gentle yoga exercises, mindfulness and self-care techniques.


👉 This is Week 3 of My Top 15 Tips to Declutter Your Mind and Free Up Some Mental Space So You Can Live Your Best Life Now: Practical Self-Care Techniques 👈 


👉 I chose these topics I’m covering over the next 3 weeks because I too have felt overwhelmed by my thoughts and my to do list.  I have (and still do at times) struggle with anxiety, worry and minor depression.  


The truth is...We all experience the occasional negative thought. But if you always feel overwhelmed, then you need to closely examine how these thoughts are negatively impacting your lifestyle.


Mental clutter can include all of the following: worrying about the future; ruminating about the past; keeping a mental to-do list; complaints; and so on. 



Fortunately, there are strategies and techniques you can use to clean out some space in your head.


Shortly I will go over my top tips on decluttering your mind so that you can free up some mental space.


Last week shared with you why I felt Organizing and Prioritizing was so important to my life and how it’s changed me. 


This week is all about Practical Self-Care Techniques.


First, I wanted to share with you a little bit about me and why I view self-care as a priority and believe we should all embrace. 


Last week I told you about my mom and how sick she was for many years and then unfortunately, passed away about a year ago.  


I grew up watching my mom suffer from addictions, illnesses and always putting others first.


My mom had no idea how to practice self-care nor did she have any desire to learn about it.


My mother not practicing self-care was difficult for me to watch because at times, I felt like I was the mother of our relationship.


I almost lost my mother 3 times before her demise.


She has been ill pretty much my entire life.


I truly believe that practicing self-care is the ultimate way of serving others.


When our cup is running over we don’t have any more left to give.


We then make mistakes, get ill or suffer accidents instead of being our best self so that we can make a difference in other people lives.


I want to give you a warm welcome to

Week 3 of my Blog series on


👉 Decluttering Your Mind and Freeing Up Some Mental Space

This week is about Practical Self Care Techniques 👈


Below are some of my top tips on de-cluttering your mind so you can stop feeling so overwhelmed, get more done, and gain more clarity


1.  Keep a Journal

A journal allows you to download the inner chatter that’s constantly interrupting your thought process when you’re trying to get important things done.


If the thought of having a journal puts you off, don’t worry.  


If you just want to get things off your chest and not let anyone see this, another option is to write it down on a piece of a paper and then you could burn the paper (safely in a fire pit), shred it or even tear it up in a little pieces.


2.  Stop Rushing Around


Rushing doesn’t help anyone.  It doesn’t get you to where you want any quicker because usually what happens when we are rushing and not living in the present tense we tend to make mistakes or injury ourselves.


Slowing down and enjoying a less hurried pace is the best way to enjoy life in the present tense.  


I remember a few years back I use to rush home so that I could relax.  Never realizing that it’s a beautiful day and I could have my windows and moon roof open and enjoy the breeze as I drive in the country.


In fact, living in the present helps set up your future self as you can be more mindful with your present choices and activities setting your future up for success.



3.  Practice Tapping


This is something new to my routine but I’m already feeling the difference and have heard a ton of good things about Tapping (also known as EFT) 


In this article they explain how to do tapping:


“Begin by stating what is on your mind and rating your distress on a scale of 0 to 10

  •  Speak your "set-up statement," which identifies the issue and includes a statement of self-acceptance
  •  Begin the tapping sequence, using your fingers to tap on the specified sites
  •  As you tap, use a reminder phrase to stay focused on your problem area
  •  At the end of the sequence, rate your distress
  •  Continue the process until your distress rating is very low


Tapping procedures can differ slightly, but most use these locations: the heel of the hand, three locations around the eye, the area below the nose, the area below the lips, the collarbone, the underarm, and the top of the head. From seven to nine taps are delivered on each spot.”


When I tap I like to tell myself that: “I accept my feelings and emotions about being stressed and anxious about ….” And then end a round out with saying “I love and accept myself and it’s ok for my body to relax and release”.


I practice this for a few rounds.


I do this before reciting my affirmations and my meditation practice since my mind needs to calm down first.


4.  Prioritize Sleep and Rest


Learning how to shut off your handheld devices hours before bedtime and setting your sleeping quarters up for success is key.  


Is your bedroom cool?  Do you have enough pillows to support you so that you sleeping comfortably at night?  Is your mattress supportive enough but also not too hard?  Maybe invest in a mattress topper with memory foam could help you get a few more years out of your mattress.  


Do you find a few moments throughout your day to practice much needed rest and relaxation?  Just grabbing a few minutes here and there is so important to give ourselves that time to recharge and stretch.  Then we are able to return back to our work with more focus and energy.


5.  Embrace the Simpler Things in Life


When we start to live a simpler life we can begin to find the joy in living so much easier.


In our society we are bombarded with choices and messages of go big or go home.


This in fact is further than the truth.


Enjoying a simple life is so much more rewarding in the long run.  


When we embrace this motto we can save money and time too.  It’s a win win situation. 


6.  Be Present and Mindful 


Do you find yourself reliving past conversations or events?  Do you also constantly worry about what could happen in the future and/or hyper plan every scenario out?  


Being mindful and present whether you are talking a walk out in nature, enjoying the sun on your face as you sit on your front porch or are having a wonderful time with a friend, family member or spouse.  


Being mindful and present to all of our life experiences is so freeing!  


Remember, all we have is the present moment - the past has already happened and the future has not begun. 













I hear all the time how intimidating holistic living can seem to be and how hard it is too squeeze into your busy life.




I have a weekly blog and private group where I cover holistic living and almost every week go live covering yoga, mediation, breathing exercises, and/or self-care.  




This blog and community are filled with simple and approachable tips, techniques and practical holistic living advice.



Share your experience with me in the comments below, or send me a private message and let me know how you feel after you try out the tips and techniques I share weekly here.  ❤️



Have a beautiful day and Namaste,


Jen James


Celestial Yoga, LLC 




p.s.  ❤️ Feel free to reply back or send me a DM/PM if you have any questions or comments.  I'm here to listen.


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